Are you an 18 year old or older man who likes to sing? Then consider becoming a member of the Michiana Male Chorus! Some of our members have been singing for many years and really enjoy the camaraderie of being part of the group and love how singing seems to take away some of the stresses of daily life, at least for a while, and find it to be really refreshing.
There is no audition; we welcome everyone to see if it is a good fit for you. It is assumed that you can stay on pitch reasonably well, but we can help you with that. We hope you can read music at least a little bit, but if you can’t, we help you with that too! Some of the music for performances is memorized and attendance at rehearsals and programs is expected.
Our singing season usually kicks off with a picnic in late August and runs from early September through the end of May. There may be some exceptions for special events.
Annual membership dues are $75 (which includes GLMCA District fees) and can be paid in installments. In addition, a tux is required, but the chorus pays for part of the cost of the tuxedo. It is expensive to be led by professional Director and Accompanist plus buying music is costly too, but we never let any money issues get in the way of membership.
Rehearsals are held Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Timberland Bible Church at 16623 St. Rd 23 in South Bend. (in the woods on the west side of the UP mall)
If joining the Michiana Male Chorus sounds like something you’d like to try, please come to a rehearsal or contact us for more information.